Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
5...6...7...8...Cheerleading takes the balls from most sports anyday. Tough? Hell yeah! Injuries? More than you can count. Blood? We always want more. Get up and do it again!
*Death being metaphoric
Dear Empty Cyberspace. I don't know if you read my posts. Though I have a hard time trying to read your captchya. I hope that its never accepted by Microsoft Word as a usable font. I dont want to have to try and decrpyt everything.
However cyberspace and any governing body that may stray across. I'd like some feedback. You don't have to signup or anything. Just choose anonymous. I'd still like to know who comments though.
Try keep slander to yourself. Critical comments is what I'm looking for. I don't always think I'm right. However it is nice to have someone else tell me that too.
However cyberspace and any governing body that may stray across. I'd like some feedback. You don't have to signup or anything. Just choose anonymous. I'd still like to know who comments though.
Try keep slander to yourself. Critical comments is what I'm looking for. I don't always think I'm right. However it is nice to have someone else tell me that too.
Supreme Value
We may be mistaken about something, though it doesn't make sense that someone else, who has reason to believe that a mistake has been made, can come along and try and improve my life by leading it for me, even if they do know better than I. Au contraire de, no life goes better being led from the outside according to values that person doesn't hold. A valuable life is one that is led from the inside.
Thought provacation thanks to Charlesworth
Send Me To Heaven
Alison Sudol, lead singer of A Fine Frenzy.
I wish I knew someone as rare and as stunning. As if there is nothing more gorgeous than her pale skin. Imagine the sunlight radiating through that fire saturated hair.
I'm in awe. Her songs do alight to. If I was to see her and then hear her sing. I think I'd propose marriage. Thing I'm to late though. Who the hell thought redheads weren't attractive. They're rare and definitely will stand out in the sea of dominant black hair.
My thoughts are stunned. I have found beauty in its finest.
Then again beauty is the eye of the beholder... aye M.K
Articulation Of A Ticking Brain
"Wish I was articulate enough to reveal what goes on in this ever-ticking brain of mine" - (The) Abel Mazo
No need for an introduction when I'm about to talk about The-Abel Mazo. Yes, on his birth certificate there is pre-fix 'The' to his name. This guy has been gold to me over the past year. He's part of the infamous Mazo bunch which I love dearly.
He definitely has an overflowing creative mind and tapping into it will just leave you in awe. He has something to say. Guitar? This guy actually taught Jimmy Hendrix. Not hat I need evidence to back that up once you hear him play. I truly admire is output on life and the input he has on people around him. He's strong in who he is and definitely has a heart. Humorous beyond your notion of humour.
This guy could be big so watch this space. Personally I'm glad I can almost claim this guy to be a brother.
Eloquence Has No Room For Fads
Why do you try and pamper literature and end up leaving it with nothing but dead beat lines and out-of-context referencing?
I'm talking about a difference between writing with flow as opposed to random fill in words that don't necessarily need to be used. So why must you always try and write with 'eloquence' when you can't even articulate spoken word properly.
It's easy to sit and write and have that extra time to ponder about what your writing. Time enough to check a thesaurus and find the biggest synonym possible, even though a synonym doesn't always have the correct definition your looking for.
Yes it's all good that you might be trying to expand your vocabulary or trying to sound like you have something worth saying. Don't have a cry yet. You just want to be smart. Who doesn't? Just take a second to think about what your writing and the audience your presenting it to. Don't mind what I say. At least your writing looks plump and juicy, though when anyone bites into it all they're gonna get is grainy, seed infested material. No one forgets a bad feed.
You don't have to be grandiose when you write. There is nothing shameful about choosing the simple small word. At least then you know what your talking about and there isn't room for someone to argue that your use of the English language is appalling.
Enjoyment does come out of making a passage of writing seem intelligent I must admit but, if your not clearly getting your point across then your wasting everyone's time. Intelligence is not a fad. If your trying to catch up and think big words are the answer then you've already proven an idiots presence.
Just Right
Disclaimer: This isn't about cereal. Please discontinue reading if you want to read about cereal.
When at the petrol station do you ever fill up but try and get a perfect number? Like an equal dollar. No cents, make sense? No one wants to deal with coinage or silver pieces. It's like a burden. I put in effort to pay for things in correct change using as many silver coins as possible. As much as the recieving person may be disgruntled they are bound by law to take legal tender.
Don't throw that one silver coin away though. It comes back to haunt you. You'll eventually need it.
When at the petrol station do you ever fill up but try and get a perfect number? Like an equal dollar. No cents, make sense? No one wants to deal with coinage or silver pieces. It's like a burden. I put in effort to pay for things in correct change using as many silver coins as possible. As much as the recieving person may be disgruntled they are bound by law to take legal tender.
Don't throw that one silver coin away though. It comes back to haunt you. You'll eventually need it.
Welcome to a bad day, go to sleep.
Ever have those people that cry over the smallest things. OK, I can be sympathetic to them but sometimes I think they're just simply pathetic. A few bad things happen to them and suddenly its the end of the world. I know a guy who would seriously come to school and would act all down until someone (probably me) would give in and ask him whats wrong. Yeah I could speak on 'attention seekers' and the like, but this something further.
Crying and feelings of sadness are simply our body's way of protecting our mind from further stresses. That's why after a good cry we tend to feel a whole lot better. Lately though my mind has been wandering off on me on more important issues. I don't normally get caught staring into oblivion. But pondering and moping and not trying to get over it is the worst way to go about it. Acknowledge how your body wants to deal with it and decide whether or not its actually appropriate. I sometimes want to rage on certain days but I know that in a few moments it'll pass. Train yourself to handle a bad situation. Mum, Dad and friends are not always going to be there for you so if fall down you best learn to rub some dirt in it and stop telling the entire world you have a little boo boo. Honestly, when you see those facebook postings and when it comes down to trying to suck some sympathy out of people I think that's when you know who's been cradled for far too long.
Go latch on to your Mums nipple again. I'm sure she'd enjoy that.
Bad things are bound to happen and I understand that somethings like death are not the easiest things to deal with, I'm not trying to say get over it to something on that scale. But if you lost your little job, lost a wallet, got injured, had a car accident all things that are such small scale. Stop acting like such a pus wipe and don't try and burden someone else with minor issues. Your big enough and ugly enough to deal with it.
Welcome to bad day, go to sleep
Crying and feelings of sadness are simply our body's way of protecting our mind from further stresses. That's why after a good cry we tend to feel a whole lot better. Lately though my mind has been wandering off on me on more important issues. I don't normally get caught staring into oblivion. But pondering and moping and not trying to get over it is the worst way to go about it. Acknowledge how your body wants to deal with it and decide whether or not its actually appropriate. I sometimes want to rage on certain days but I know that in a few moments it'll pass. Train yourself to handle a bad situation. Mum, Dad and friends are not always going to be there for you so if fall down you best learn to rub some dirt in it and stop telling the entire world you have a little boo boo. Honestly, when you see those facebook postings and when it comes down to trying to suck some sympathy out of people I think that's when you know who's been cradled for far too long.
Go latch on to your Mums nipple again. I'm sure she'd enjoy that.
Bad things are bound to happen and I understand that somethings like death are not the easiest things to deal with, I'm not trying to say get over it to something on that scale. But if you lost your little job, lost a wallet, got injured, had a car accident all things that are such small scale. Stop acting like such a pus wipe and don't try and burden someone else with minor issues. Your big enough and ugly enough to deal with it.
Welcome to bad day, go to sleep
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
I remember talking to someone about this scene (which has to be considered one of the most moving scenes of the year) and the quote
"We were slow dancing in a burning room".
I realised that this is a saying to but into aspect over many situations. Teenage ignorance and being naive will always blind you from the greater picture. Here their love is all that can be focused on and ignore the blistering heat and ashes that their surroundings have turned into. Can we be this naive in our own lives? Maybe not in the same context. There have been times where I knew something was not right and we had to escape.
Our Ethics & Law lecturer spoke to us yesterday about an ethical law called 'The Neighbour Test' after reading through it something hit me hard. Here is what it said.
"You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would likely injure your neighbour"
Now neighbour doesn't mean your next door neighbour. It just means those who are close to you. This really shot me down. Looking back on many of my past actions I can say there have been times I had no idea and managed the situation to keep myself out of trouble, but also there have been times where I could've avoided that situation and complication all together but either; thought I could handle it or trusted it wouldn't turn into a mess. I take acknowledgement that my actions don't just affect me. So when making choices there has to be more consideration than what it could do to me, but what it could do to the ones I care about most.
I no longer want to be stuck in a burning room. I want something to change. I want to truly turn some things around. Without bitterness, without remorse. I want to admit to my life. Stop lying to myself. Become more transparent than what I've become over the last year and a half. Back to the person that was once loved. With the knowing and insight I have now.
Nigel Lew currently lives and studies out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. With a long standing passion for photography. His emphasis is on fashion, landscape and nature.
I don't know what it is but I want it.
"Xavia, who will save us?" by Paul Jatayna // LOOKBOOK.nu - click here
I simply just wish I could get my hands on something like this. What is it? Scarf jacket?
Never Follow The Track
"Try and find the positive in the situation" - The Rage In Placed Lake
Prologue: Ever had the worst day in history? Ever wanted to just smash everything around you? We'll I had one of those days. But without the anger. Self control over anger I think is the most important thing you can do. Just smile. You'll be laughing about it soon enough.
7th August 2010
I haven't really had much to look forward to over the last month. Same routine and what not. Though the last 24 hours has been definitely one to remember. Jeric's 18th was the hot topic. Definitely talked up and expectations we're more than less met. So I got to be driver on the night.
1930 We turned up an hour and a half late. I don't think we missed much. We we're shoved into the back corner. Food was nice. I don't exactly know how the night was meant to be presented. It didn't seem to have much schedule to it.
2200 I don't know who started on the cake. It looked pretty mangled. But I did then choose to help out with the strawberries! Coping some cake in the face at the same time! Night was looking up. We we're definitely in better spirits now.
2300 At least the dance floor heated up someway into the night. There was a period of time we're it seemed a heap of people went missing.
8th August 2010
Skipping ahead. All the antics. It's actually Post-Party I want to share. Abel, Armen, Adman and I we're about to receive a whole lot of karma.
0100 So we decided to drive through this field instead of going around the long way. Following the track laid out before us was the worst idea ever. Simply enough we, well I, managed to bog the car in nice deep hole. So here we are in our nice party wear trying to push this car out of the mud. There was seriously nothing we could do.
Doesn't look that bad but the left side was sunk! |
0130 Out of a million things that could've happened a friend was in the area and we got a lift back to the Mazo's home to grab some boots and more heavy duty clothing.
0200 Dragging hard rubbish back to the car we tried using a huge mattress sponge to soak up the water, wood pieces to get some traction on the wheels. We had high spirits and a goal to get this out and have a laugh. As much as we revved that car and pushed it was going no where. Road side assist wouldn't even attempt to get us out. We spent more time trying to lift the car and getting something under the tyre.
0300 At this point we definitely had given up. Poor car. Lock up and try again when the sun comes up.
0330 Sleep Time!
0900 Back to work and putting back our muddy clothes. Help of Dad, the sun, a whole heap of tough wood, few buckets and motive of Hungry Jacks! We start scooping all the water out. Shoveling mud out with our hands. It was a long process of jacking up the car a bit to wedge some wood under. We had to do all four tyres. The car was muddy and had hand prints and mud drawings all over it. Thanks boys.
1100 We have some progress happening and the wood is being laid out nicely. Jack had done the job. We had to make sure each piece was solid and supported and was being stuck in correctly. There was no way I wanted to go through this process again!
1130 Slowly reverse the car back and with some man power pushing it back. We got a small wheel spin. But then it just moved all the way out. WE'D FRKN DONE IT! We all look like we've crawled out from the mud itself. Mud hurts when it dries and you try take it off. We make a monument as victory and also as a warning to other driving 'STAY OFF THE TRACK!'
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Pre-Clean - It was way more muddy than this |
1200 Get back home to clean everything. Thick mud is everywhere.
1300 Now we're sitting in HJ's enjoying a very unhealthy meal but one deserved. Though receiving a reward for getting ourselves out of a predicament which our own stupidity put us in could be argued undeserved. Thank God I didn't have to pay $160 for a tow truck to come and 'attempt' to get us out.
But wait.. Day gets worse
1600 Driving to Murrumbeena for cheer training. A lady in front of me slams her breaks. So do I of course my car is bigger hence needing more time to stop. I did slow down significantly but I still managed to bump in to the back of her. Dammit! So now I have a car covered in mud and dented a bit of the front panel and chipped some paint off the front.
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Just annoyed it chipped so easily. haha |
Out of this whole experience though I did learn something about myself that I already suspected but have never been put in the situation. I have a very high tolerance for life's crap. It took all off about one song to have me in a good mood again. Cleaning the car was even fun. Also make your own way, cause if you follow someones path you might end up stuck. "Thats Deep" and the puns just keep on rollin' in!
Sometimes situations may seem really glum. Looking past what you have to do, to when you'll be able to look back at it and just be happy. Sometimes you won't get the result you want. Sometimes someone will screw it up. Find something funny about it and don't be such a bitch to yourself or others.
My positive out of today is that I know my boys are the best guys I could have in my life. As much as our immaturity may get us into trouble we know that we are still able to take it and make a good day out of any day. So to Abel, Armen & Adman, Thanks. Brothers don't come better than you. *high accented 'YEA'
Difficult Presents
"Presents or Presence? Which is more vital?"
Everyone has those friends where we struggle to find gifts for. Some are easier than others. We try and break down our friends into consumer material so that we can align them to a product that their personality, behaviours, humour, history, memory might make some sort of link to. Thoughtful gifts vs expensive gifts vs gag gifts vs money. Giving money is always a quick and easy way of saying "It's your birthday! Here's something so treat yourself". A balance of that and gifts where you see that someone has put thought into what you'd like and even effort to make or create things for you. 18th's, 21st's etc are commonly misjudged as birthdays for an 'Alcohol gift'. Personally if you buy me something I've never tried and is actually worth having then I'd be happy. Something even a little classy. I can't really argue what is a good present and what is a bad present because it all comes down to the giving and receiving counterparts and the relationship between them. But what do you give someone who has everything? You could take some stuff away I guess.
Overall really difficult people to buy presents for are the ones who really just need a new pair of socks. Or a Big M. Or a T-shirt.
BUT SERIOUSLY NEVER FORGET A CARD! Words are worth putting time into.
Maybe I'm Just Tired
I really feel for people that suffer from any sort of psychiatric disorder. Especially those without insight. Insight being the persons ability to know that they suffer from a disorder. This can take a lot of therapy and many patient sessions. It's so confronting to see people that just don't know. You can't exactly just tell them. They'll probably think that your crazy. Some people don't have the rationale thinking to convey themselves as being clinically insane. How can you tell what is the disorder and what is the person? What is real and what is not? The power is all in the clinicians. They determine whether or not your insane. How do you prove your sane when trying to prove your sane only depicts you futher as being insane. The aetiology of mental disorders are linked to social, genetic, enviromental and random variables. There can be traced a point of genisis but the question of
"Why did it affect person A? Where a similar issue did not affect person B"
Like for example PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. High prevelence associated with war. Some came back and reportedly killed their spouses during their sleep. Suffering from insomnia, paranoia etc. Yet some came back of course traumatised but not to the extent that it caused a major personality shift that put their lives or others at risk. The literature and research is far overwhelming. The depth of a persons subconcious is still stumping even the most brightest of academics.
Besides this. I've met and dealt with people who have had acute and chronic forms of paranoid schizoprenia and personality paranoia. They definately were edgy about my presence. Lately I've been having this weird feeling that there is always someone behind me. If anyone knows about adrenaline then you'd know that having it pumped too much is not good for you. I haven't reached a point where it's affecting my daily routine but it's just that this feeling could only be partial to what someone diagnosed with a disorder would feel. It's most likely my mind playing tricks with my recent thoughts on the topic. Like if you ever read symptoms for diseases you'll eventually find one that you think you have, but you don't. On top of this feeling I've been having I'm very prone to twitching sensations and now could possibly be the worse time for it. I've been getting these small twitches in my shoulder/neck region and the twitch honestly feels like a tap. Like someone behind me has just tapped me on the shoulder. Not the best thing when I get up at night. Or when I'm sitting here looking over my shoulder every few minutes.
I'm at least able to justify all of these thoughts and feelings but imagine having no concept of it. Life with any sort of mental illness is not a fulfilled life. It's so time consuming and what's worse is that early detection, like a lot of things, is the best solution. My doctor told me that I could be considered a depression risk. Linked to stress. I know myself better than that. Maybe I'm just tired.
Check out this bad boy
No quote for this post. One I really need to read more. Two I'm stoked over this.
Thank God for eBay. Thanks God for the UK. Thank God for Finance!
I've managed to bid and win this Vintage Mechanical Carved Silver Pocket Watch. Of course it's not actual silver. I'm not loaded. None the less my picky nature was finally satisified when I found this.
Sometimes We Have To Stop
“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” - Henry David Thoreau
The boys just relaxing in NZ
Sometimes there are times where your moving so fast that you need to sit down and reflect on what you've accomplished and how that aligns with what your running for. Busy weeks will pass before you get a chance to plan for them. Get ahead before you fall behind. Would you keep running in a race if you realised you were off the track? Why drag it on? You may not have won that race in particular but at least your finding your way back, retracing your steps, finding where you need to start from again. I've taken a new step. One that I didn't enjoy taking but I hope was necessary to take me to another stage of growth. I have no idea what's ahead. Faith and more faith is all you've got. Faith that your path is going to do you and others good.
Mad World...
"I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad" -
Gary Jules
Getting a new bed couldn't come at a better time. Actually, in a funny kind of way it can. Here's how it worked. I know im getting a new bed so I jumped on my bed and hear something go *SNAP*.... I've broken my bed! That's ok, its old and I'm getting a new one. If I wasn't getting a new bed I wouldn't have jumped on my bed and I wouldn't of broken my bed.
I was lucky this time around. This is almost an example of post - catch 22.
P.s. Thanks Harvey Norman!
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