
For man made...

"To guess this almost a year ago...freezing nights and midnight bbq's"

Man made parks and lakes will never feel right. Our innate ability to determine between real and false will also be the one to dictate to us. No matter how many ads delfin put on you'll always know that nature did not want this lake here. Pushing those things aside. You can still enjoy it.
This is an older photo I found. We had the shutter open for 1 minute. We spent 30 secs on one side and 30 secs on the other. The lady A.M claimed she didn't move. I don't even see the point in arguing.


I hopefully forsee the expansion of some of my labels. I want to add more to logic especially. I do have two topics that I'll write up in the morning. Also the new label 'Micture'. Casually check it because there is a small plan for it. Of course I'd let you know more as more news is revealed. For the mean time give me something to pondor over.

Sleep is unfortunatly essential and my head is screaming at me to stop. The room is even curving abnormally.

? Delerium

Try landing on this

"The tides would implode with a moon like this"

What does it say? It's doesn't matter. What do you see? It might be different. All I can say that I was trying to write letters using the moon. I practiced the camera movements necessary to form a word and then left the shutter open trying my best to follow through the same motions. Though it was a freezing cold night I couldn't avoid being seduced by the moons aura. So bright that the stars had eradicated them.

It was lovely to see the moon having its time being the brightest.

It was also lovely to see what could be done with it.
Simple reflective image. The contest of Man vs Nature, of Power line vs Sky and of Water vs House. It gripes me with empathy for people who have to submit to this form of 'out there'.


Dirty Messages

"Whats this? We're on a plane" - Ink & Alex

Meet Alexandra. Shes a stunning ladette, photographer and gymnast et. al. Now to be fair. I don't exactly know whether or not this outfit is proper or parody. Though besides this quarral of the unknown the fact is that the use of tartan skirts, high boots and frames is a questioning composition to current uniforms. The addition of the belt actually makes this outfit appealing. Mixing the attractivness that frames gives with it all is flawless. Now I don't know what you think but frames are a big YES! Alex composes photography in ways I have seen before but the location of the photo below is what really pulled my attention by the ears.

Firstly I was amazed by where this was taken. Next the clouds had me in awe. The shot almost makes the clouds seem as if they had a negative filter laid on them. The serious contrast of the clouds is what layers this shot to amazement. I don't think this will be the last we see of Alexandra.

These photos are not the property of myself

Say I loved myself

"Say I loved myself but the self I love is one that society takes a severe disliking to" - Placid Lake

Meet Blue Iris. Artisan/Muso/Lomographer newbie and author of The Little Quirks. This lady here has an ever expanding mind for design and an ever so critiqued formula for writing. Her words and pictures have a distinct flow and her choice of vocabulary is always being refreshed. She's hand made this dress with the bold use of blue (No pun intended) and white. What strikes me is the collar. An over sized collar gives that vintage feel she wants. Not to mention the exquisite leather bag juxtaposed. Overall a successful turn around for the times. This ladette is something that I've treasured for a long time. I've only ever want her to have the best. She deserves nothing less that that.

This photo is not the property of myself


Nothing Exists But...

"Nothing Exists But Empty Space & You. & You Are But A Thought" - Mark Twain

Meet Armen (Aaron). Now it's been forever. But I've always admired his take on compiling an outfit. Know him for over 10 years from when I was 8, only to find this guy at Enjoy Church 9 years later. Changed my future for sure. 
Influential to others of course, never the less influenced by his grand family. His mood has always been intrigued. Quite but not ignoring. Definitely why I see him as a brother.

He's definitely a space to watch. There will be more...
Punch Flickr to see more.


Roses are Red

"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue... F*** you whore" - 500 Days of Summer

You always see the emotional complication and torment that comes from a heart that has been ripped out juggled and then defecated on. It hurts. It actually is an emotion you can trigger in yourself. Like whenever your mind wanders enough that you imagine someone that you love dearly passing away. This is besides then point. 500 Days of Summer really has an angle put on a broken heart. Thought summer clearly stays honest on the dynamic of what she wants out of this 'relationship'. Maybe we do this sometimes too. Infatuated by the the concept of another human with hips, lips and tits. Blunt? But it can't be denied. These are not the only aspects I must admit. It's the strange formula where you can be so in love yet be dropped so easily. So vunerable yet it's the trust that's put into the other. I guess we understand the risk but in the greater scheme of things it would've been worth it to hurt then to never know.
p.s. this was written on my ipod so the format isn't very neat. just a rant.

These photos are not the property of myself



Even though this sleak, thin, light weight, top of the line camera is the property of my sister and ex property of my Grandad. I'm the one with money to buy film for it. Oh yeah. My memory card is a whole 35mm with 24 exposures. I know! Technology these days. It's as if one day cameras won't ever need film! YEAH RIGHT!

This is a 1950's German designed Edixa SLR. I have 3 different types of lenses with it so I'm pretty cool.

Check my Flickr for some photos that I've developed.